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Михаил Мишустин посетил подмосковный тепличный комплекс «Агрокультура Групп»

27 июля 2022 года премьер-министр Михаил Мишустин посетил тепличный комплекс «Агрокультура Групп», расположенный в городском округе Кашира.

Его сопровождал губернатор Московской области Андрей Воробьев, глава Минсельхоза Дмитрий Патрушев и генеральный директор ООО «Агрокультура Групп» Владимир Чернышов.

В ноябре 2020 года Тепличный комплекс компании «Агрокультура групп» стал первым резидентом ОЭЗ ППТ «Кашира». Сегодня это самый крупный реализованный инвестиционный проект в сфере производства овощей в закрытом грунте на территории Московской области.


Михаил Мишустин во время осмотра тепличного комплекса заявил, что в сельском хозяйстве сейчас должны стать приоритетными вопросы семеноводства и селекции, более того будет работать новый федеральный проект, в котором будут субсидии на агротехнологические работы и по производству овощей, и по производству картофеля. Ведь вопрос продовольственной безопасности страны – один из важнейших. Сегодня на это направлены все усилия, это основа нашей стратегии.



ПМЭФ-2022. Губернатор Воробьев подписал соглашение с УК «Кашира-Парк» о развитии
ОЭЗ «Кашира»


Соглашение о сотрудничестве по развитию особой экономической зоны промышленно-производственного типа «Кашира» губернатор Московской области Андрей Воробьев подписал с генеральным директором Управляющей компании «Кашира-Парк» Дмитрием Зубовым на полях ПМЭФ-2022.

Как отметил Дмитрий Зубов: «Подписанное соглашение позволит привлечь в ОЭЗ новых резидентов. Мы тесно сотрудничаем с Правительством Московской области и Министерством инвестиций, промышленности и науки региона в части привлечения новых резидентов.

Сегодняшнее подписание соглашения укрепит это взаимодействие и будет способствовать повышению инвестиционной привлекательности Подмосковья, созданию новых рабочих мест и обеспечению роста налоговых поступлений.

В этом году на территории ОЭЗ завершается строительство и будет введено в эксплуатацию порядка 2 км внутренних дорог, сетей газоснабжения, водоотведения и водоснабжения, а также электросетей общей мощностью 16,5 МВт».

В настоящее время на площади порядка 92 га зарегистрированы 5 резидентов: тепличный комплекс «Агрокультура Групп» (тепличный комплекс по выращиванию овощей в закрытом грунте), ООО «ПЛАСТОС» (завод по производству полимеров), ООО «Префабрика АГ» (производство домокомплектов из легкого бетона), ООО «НОВАТЭК – СПГ топливо Кашира» (проект комплекса сжижения природного газа), ООО «КЕРАТЕХ» (производство утеплителя из пенокерамики).

Якорь 1


Завод по производству термокерамики
построят в Подмосковье

Компания «КЕРАТЕХ» построит в Московской области завод по производству ячеистой термокерамики, который поспособствует импортозамещению в строительной отрасли, проект планируется реализовать на территории особой экономической зоны «Кашира», сообщает пресс-служба Министерства инвестиций, промышленности и науки региона.

«Инвестиции в проект компании «КЕРАТЕХ» оцениваются в 4 млрд рублей. Плановый срок реализации проекта – два года. На первом этапе планируется создать более 100 рабочих мест для жителей Каширы и ближайших муниципалитетов.


Первоначальные мощности подмосковного предприятия позволят выпускать до 100 тыс. куб. м. продукции в год. Впоследствии мощности завода могут быть увеличены», - рассказала о новом проекте заместитель председателя правительства – министр инвестиций, промышленности и науки Московской области Екатерина Зиновьева.

По словам инвестора, площадка для размещения завода в ОЭЗ «Кашира» была выбрана из-за множества показателей, среди которых доступность необходимых энергоресурсов, возможность приобретения участка в собственность, а также поддержка и внимательное отношение к проекту со стороны руководства ОЭЗ. Содействие компании в выборе площадки для локализации и оформлении необходимых документов оказала Корпорация развития Московской области.


Сотрудников ОЭЗ ППТ «Кашира» наградили грамотами Министерства инвестиций, промышленности и науки МО

Генеральному директору управляющей компании "Кашира-Парк" Зубову Дмитрию Александровичу вручили Грамоту  за высокий профессионализм и плодотворное сотрудничество с Министерством инвестиций, промышленности и науки Московской области. 

Технический директор управляющей компании "Кашира-Парк" Лубенец Олег Олегович получил Благодарственное письмо за высокий профессионализм и плодотворное сотрудничество с Министерством инвестиций, промышленности и науки Московской области. 

Сотрудники управляющей компании "Кашира-Парк" подтверждают свой профессионализм высокими результатами работы ОЭЗ ППТ "Кашира". Данные награды будут стимулом для более эффективной работы и развития особой экономической зоны.

Зубов Д.А. грамота от мии (
Лубунец О.О. благодарность от мии (


Правительство России поддержало законопроект о совершенствовании механизма Особых экономических зон


Пятая очередь тепличного комплекса "Агрокультура Групп" введена в эксплуатацию


В городском округе Кашира введена в эксплуатацию пятая очередь тепличного комплекса предприятия «Агрокультура Групп», сообщает пресс-служба Министерства сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Подмосковья.

«Агрокультура Групп» - лидер региона в сфере выращивания овощных культур в закрытом грунте. Под брендом «Зеленый стандарт» компания реализовывает свежие томаты, огурцы, перцы, баклажаны, клубнику. Тепличный комплекс площадью 100 га расположен на территории городского округа Кашира Московской области.

«В настоящее время в тепличном комплексе работают более 1,5 тыс. сотрудников. Ввод в эксплуатацию пятой очереди позволит увеличить данный показатель до 2000 человек», - добавил в завершение министр сельского хозяйства и продовольствия региона Сергей Воскресенский.


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna



On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation

Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna




Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna



On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation

On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna



On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation

ОЭЗ ППТ "Кашира" - вторая ОЭЗ промышленно-производственного типа в Московской области. У этой площадки большой инвестиционный потенциал. Так, общий объем инвестиций только в проект компании "ПРЕФАБРИКА АГ" - около 3 миллиардов рублей.

Работой на заводе при полной мощности будет обеспечено 800 человек (более 300 рабочих мест – на первой очереди производства)», - сообщила министр инвестиций, промышленности и науки Московской области Екатерина Зиновьева.


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna


On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna


АЮ в Кашире 29.11.19.JPG

29 ноября 2019 г. состоялась презентация ОЭЗ ППТ "Кашира" перед Губернатором МО и потенциальными резидентами ОЭЗ. Провел презентацию Дмитрий Зубов - генеральный директор управляющей компании "Кашира-Парк", а также представил Воробьеву А.Ю. будущих резидентов, которые уже ведут проектные работы.

На встрече  обсуждались планы по реализации инвестиционных проектов потенциальных инвесторов. Уже в 2020 году начнётся строительство агротехнологического комплекса по выращиванию овощей закрытого грунта, завода по разведению рыб лососевых пород и завода по производству домокомплектов из легкого бетона. Компании планируют создать 1,5 тысячи новых рабочих мест и проинвестировать в экономику Московской области 13 миллиардов рублей на первую очередь производства.

On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna


On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna



24 сентября состоялся визит делегации немецких компаний, работающих в сфере строительной промышленности, на территорию создаваемой Особой Экономической Зоны «Кашира».
Мероприятие было подготовлено УК «Кашира-Парк» совместно с Российско-Германской внешнеторговой палатой. В ходе визита делегации был представлен инвестиционный потенциал ОЭЗ "Кашира" и проекты будущих резидентов: проект строительства, не имеющего на территории России аналогов, домостроительного комбината компании «АРХИ ТЕ КТО» и тепличного комплекса компании «АГРОКУЛЬТУРА ГРУПП»

Видео-интервью от телеканала 360 доступно по ссылке: 


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna


Олег Лидеры энергетики.JPG
диплом лидеры энергетики.PNG

On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna



On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


Conference "Invest in Moscow Region"

Austria, Vienna



On November 22, the “Invest in Moscow Region” conference was held at the site of the Economic Chamber of Austria. The event was organized to present the investment potential of the region. More than 120 Austrian businessmen took part in the conference.

“These are representatives of companies that are engaged in the production of building materials, manufacturing industry. Again, many companies have come on agricultural topics, including the production of cheese. Many have heard about our cheese cluster, which is becoming full-fledged, international. Today they also talked about companies that deal with municipal solid waste,

processing municipal solid waste, ”said Denis Butsayev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

“We held out the presentation for Austrian businessmen for the first time together with our partner, the Chamber of the Economy in Austria. The interest of the business community is quite high, ”said Denis Butsayev.

Dmitry Zubov, CEO of the Kashira-Park management company, attended this conference among the Moscow delegation


Presentation of the investment potential of the Moscow region for the Italian business community

масл 2.jpg

The CEO of Kashira-Park, Dmitry Zubov, who is a member of the delegation from the Moscow region, visited a road show in Milan. The delegation was led by Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Region Government Denis Butsayev.

“Incredible excitement over the creation of a cheese cluster. Italian companies consider themselves the most technologically advanced in this field and would like to invest in this industry, ”said Denis Butsaev.

“It was very important for us to show how in Russia you can do business, to achieve a successful result. I hope that many Italians will open their business in Russia, in the Moscow region. The Government of the Moscow Region provides full support to investors, ”said Fipar’s general director, Davide Zambai. - We produce high-quality wallpapers for the Russian market in the luxury segment. Now we have 90 employees. At first they were Italian employees, however now the absolute majority are representatives of the Moscow region who have undergone special training. ”

The President of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, expressed interest in developing business in the territory of the Moscow Region and invited the Governor of the Moscow Region to visit Milan.

The Moscow Region road show in Milan gathered a record number of participants - more than 200 business representatives.

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